H2o Dreams and Asheville Adventure Rentals Collaborate

I constantly am ridiculed for my facebook activity from folks; however, time and again it has proven to be one of the greatest networking resources I have ever utilized. I met co-owner of Asheville Adventure Rentals (AAR), Melissa Bertenthal, inadvertantly through facebook postings and a brief correspondence ensued about the possibility of working together in the future. A few more emails and a visit to paddle with Melissa and Derek Turno, on the Big Laurel suddenly turned a possibility into a reality.

During our many emails and encounters it became clear that we all share similar ideals in river sports and want to find a means to bring beginner whitewater kayak instruction to the Asheville, NC region. Despite Asheville’s large community of outdoor enthusiasts, there is a major void in  small businesses focused on bringing outdoor recreation education and resources to the masses in Asheville. This is where AAR steps in.

What is unique about AAR is that they are a a full service retail and rental outfit that has sought out experienced instructors in various disciplines of outdoor recreation to round out their program offerings. I am extremely honored that they felt compelled to include the H2o Dreams family in their 2012 operations.

H2o Dreams will be offering a series of beginner courses during the summer of 2012 on the French Broad River in Asheville, NC. Course offerings include “Day Samplers” and “2-day Intensives.” H2o Dreams will also be on hand June 9th, at AAR’s Asheville riverside store, providing a day of free clinics and answering questions for the public.

I am unbelievably stoked about this opportunity and look forward to working with Melissa and Derek in 2012 and beyond. For more information on clinics, check our Beginner Clinics page for clinic details and registration.